جيتور تى 2 للبيع عرعر
Saudi Arabia || 8 Day Ago
Saudi Arabia
Phone number :
Make : Saab
Country : Saudi Arabia Badr
Price : 1 SAR
Manufacturing Date : 2012
Mileage : 5 KM
Car Condition : Used
متاح اقساط 50/50 واقساط شهرية القسط 770 ريال شهريا شروط الاقساط ان لا يقل راتبك عن 3000 ولا تزيد التزاماتك عن 45 %بدون كفيل بدون تحويل راتب بدون كشف حساب
Please pay attention to fraud, not to pay any money to any person or entity that is not trusted, inspect the car before completing the deal, and report the violating advertisements immediately.
- Safety and Security Features
- Central lock ✔
- Immobilizer ✔
- EBD ✔
- Air Bags For Driver ✔
- ABS brakes ✔
- Power steering ✔
- Electronics
- Electric windows ✔
- Air Conditioner ✔